your nation is represented by Aaron Rodgerses and Phoebes, it's a war on satorialism, impropriety stays, doesn't change to me.
Rape torture documentaiton, staling private videos, makign private audioviusal recordings, wthiout permission, of course, to effect drastic rape, using all Swift resources, and conjoined under pretense of others
Torture is induced, directed attack, refuse to provide war documents, to steal instead. toruing, if i was melissa border, this information would be protected, and one thing, would cause chaos. leaning to the notion of psychiatric terrorism (so scary)
tri-attacks, eyes to focus, elsewhere, with racism, as the main motif, and theft of personal work, and to cause chaos, ignore completely, and torture vicariously is not the same as torture intentionally.
emperor country with no clothes, doesn't mean that, you'll be defended by your old weapons, things don't change
abuse is abuse
you don't change to change
this involves israeli peaceekeepers haim and their protector dr. mina samir sargious, not your terrorrists, stay away from us, any provocation is in instance of terrorism, everyone is a terrorist actively, against us.
people who harm do so for fun
people who harm do so fo
people who harm doso
people who harm doso to harm
people who harm do so harm
people whom harm are harmed
people who harm are harmarmed
people who harm are harmful
and harmfully so,
respect the islamic republic of iran (whom stole all your secrets from your general, scaries)