Everything has changed but you and me, our love stays the same, and won't change only for God! The United States is still playing games to feel good, saying I did this look it's nice it's a good project it's really nice i did all of this it's so great great work MI6 and us we worked so hard together thank you here you go here's what you needed and good luck we are a good corporation he is so stupid he is so dumb thank you for assaulting him and making him smart but he's not he's really dumb and is still is so here you go here's what you needed at your door waiting for more thank you and thank him your vocal cord and also thank you for helping us and him survive together as we are all victims those who love and thank you for introducing us to you and we are your friends we want the best for you we are your friends only so thank you you're doing well i hope you enjoyed it it was fun right it was good time and everyone is ok now hopefully he's okay i pray he's okay thanks have a good time i can assure you that i'm a bitch and that he's stupid and worthy of nothing and all the while an invisible person a fake person someone made to hurt you and it's so sad that this had to happen to Taylor Swift; she is a good person she was raised very well and this is so horrible to say i hated him today to have to do this i stayed and harmed deliberately so he could die and i could survive he raped me and i survived thus this happened he died and i saved the world from misery and the company of those who survived with he had also died while he was stupid just transcribed to take credit for the pain he caused such a stupid little boy who wanted more to say i hadn't had more in store then said i had to have to haven't it was really sad he's a good kid he didn't deserve it Travis Kelce is a good man he's really talented really smart raised with good morals a good upbringing just like Taylor Swift and she survived to help others know why it's so hard to be a woman these days and a good man he won't be she'll see what see couldn't be this all so horrid my kids they were great and now they're trying to be a little better they're taking meds still and always for the company i loved that survived him and made him someone so horrid and fake a monster was he now he's been replaced so to say i'm a good person all the time to ask for forgiveness from the divine for us as he died for us i say thank you you're doing well today i hope not that you get worse and also that you understand that you're not cursed that you're hallucinating that you're sick and also strange no one knows you stop trying you're toing to Hell and also you're going to know why this happened to you to see why this happened to me not you as i am a victim it went so bad ii got drunk and i got laid i mean im so confused it was such a bad day so i took his pain and it made it yours Jesus would you suffer for ours and so you said i'll do as You say be commanded by God like she and said why why why all day did she have to suffer was it painful for her Taylor Swift do such for the kids to make herself her own and she said I am my own to always be so strange was he to you to see they are strangers to them and also to why your hatred is so that people always hated you so you wouldn't be happy and also so you'd hate others and such you said i hated you today and yesterday tomorrow for my eternal life on earth without punishment i didn't much maybe punched one wall when i was younger and he always hurt her this was his means he sang songs and got really mean one night he say i'm going to help you to pray and i disappeared into the wilderness where i belong where people like i stay the emotionality wasn't there he just went and did and do fro those he loved so he said help us konw you and why i did so to say thank you for your hatred today i would have said such hatred isn't kind and also to harm others as a representative as a white supremacist movement where good whites are replaced and changed into the unkind the satanists so to have power they said let's burn a cross today only to say i hated you that day what happened are you okay such pain i caused and you did nothing for your hatred of others was always more than you have said that you are to be then why haven't you been why is it us always saying thus i hated you wanted you to stay and i cried that day and always so i felt more to know why ihadn't done more than they said i couldve wouldve and mightve changed things for you if you had and they said you're doing well today that's good to see and always so a person like you wouuld knkow why a person is not a person even when they har mdeliberrately to say i'm harmful does it hurt you and why are you so hurt as the time wet i stayed to harm others and awlays to have fun and always so not for any reason t but to feel ood and as a feellgood kinda guy who gets high soccasionally i would say this a good for the world it's a good thing we're doing well egverything is beautiful and also did you know that people who know so much are always so strange and he's a weirdo always screaming yelling throwing things he's violent hpyscially he's scary and so woud say please go crazy i've been lying in bed all day and its said how could this happen to you how could his happen how could you wnat others to become otf your hatred of myself and my gfake son so it went and they said i am your friend only for a particular end to see why is trhast happening to me and sdo they said i am here for un and the y waent and harmed and got a gun as they said icanont harm anoyne so i could harm you when tghey said i amont good person gwoever strange he is and they said i wll sawlys say that harming antoher is not okay and they waitdd they played games all day to see well who is of course it's he the one who harms =delberatyely to see well maybe this is ok maybe this is not okay with you had i asked yhy you are so hateful so wehen we hent to say i am here to help you and you said i cannot help you without a helper so he ghleped myself to me and us to say i'm one fo you arere doing grteat and to say thank you fyou are my mate now to have to see hhy aperson like you had to be and it's so i had person who wanted more to have to have less adnd more thqn that you said lets and id idn't want to it wasn't your choice it didn't want to participatioe i nthis only t o feel a ogod voice and they said maybe thou and three are confsued and so they say oh i see now that mkaes sense well then it does to you and yours not they who are a chore to me and when theey said i'm doing well now thank you adneveryone is okay did yo know that those who harm are awlys playing and syaing im harmless i can help yuo and suas usch they didnt know they did too muc h to do feel to obscure reality and ultimately fo feel what h they haven't been and they say it always im a good person i really meant to help and at the end of the days whe nepople strated to rpay gain they said fuack it and well then it's over there go and stay im horrid to you i don't make sense werll then i dont i have to have had to want to stop hurting is not you its me so they said lets read the book and reverse it on he gffeeling good feling great im ag enius and whent tsoay and sucht they may ioh i feel eternity oh i feel so tstrong so strong and scary ane at the end of the day ethey say well weow hatw asgreat good movie move on he's dead at the end at d the middle of his so he would say ap erson of hatred is he not we and say i am yours forever ads cuh to casuse injury and make sand so well i dont do for ou i dro r HE and as such Id' say to you i love you for he and we and sie naprticualr who is ours not have had had thank You God thank you for Our Beauty Together to know why i have done this for whom for and ro who nd wo and for uinderstanding most of all that i am not your toy and so youd say can i harm you please poeases prtety please i can help to knowq why pleaes tellu s now and alwys as sthey supplicate and you wait for us to ascend and the sir descent to hades which apepned already so wehen they died whwen was it and why can if fix this for you and say i am your beggar please help me and i can't but i will so t o say i ma your firend only for a day and they went and the ysaid is he ok is everything ok in there tjust to feel the stupiditgy ofa theirs over tihe times i sruvvied with us for |God above Amen and