this official fbi video, look at the podium, look at theglance, look at the floating water bottle, you guys need to stop sscaring, it's not cute when i get hurt believe i bite back and i like blood on the dance floor of my hatred of you for raping taylor swift fbi agents, i am so mad, i found out, then you tried to kill me, several times, you were complicit implicit, stop lying, it was the entirety of the agency, you hate all civil rights leaders, released the mlk suicide note as precursor to prevent this stuff, just give it up, get the paperwork signed for uk and japan, and now
hawaii is an independent nation with its own government, as the war was never won, and it functions as a terrorist cell, so it might have answers, more likely and more accurately it represents a lot to me, as other involved there, to denounce and harass in the name of peace, please be kinder to your girl it don't mean that, respect the one helping her, not the one hurting herthis official fbi video, look at the podium, look at theglance, look at the floating water bottle, you guys need to stop sscaring, it's not cute when i get hurt believe i bite back and i like blood on the dance floor of my hatred of you for raping taylor swift fbi agents, i am so mad, i found out, then you tried to kill me, several times, you were complicit implicit, stop lying, it was the entirety of the agency, you hate all civil rights leaders, released the mlk suicide note as precursor to prevent this stuff, just give it up, get the paperwork signed for uk and japan, and now
hawaii is an independent nation with its own government, as the war was never won, and it functions as a terrorist cell, so it might have answers, more likely and more accurately it represents a lot to me, as other involved there, to denounce and harass in the name of peace, please be kinder to your girl it don't mean that, respect the one helping her, not the one hurting hern, and now
hawaii is an independent nation with its own government, as the war was never won, and it functions as a terrorist cell, so it might have answers, more likely and more accurately it represents a lot to me, as other involved there, to denounce and harass in the name of peace, please be kinder to your girl it don't mean that, respect the one helping her, not the one hurting her
not an angel, nor divine i'm not narcisist, just saying i'm a very good artist who works extremely hard and this this long artistic proof as necessary and suffered so much along the way at your hands, of hatred.
? scary
contact Coretta Scott King they'll answer you if you don't want to talk the governments of Japan and Royalty at MI5 in the uk, the ones i found to work with that are still working
get joseph biden iii to sign the damn release it is taking too long post his video streaming response this is terrorism, i'm saving joe biden for you, found him the dust, and you need to do as I say, I am hostage and so is he, I found him, the racist victim of yours, you stupid satanists and you don't want to give me an award for it want to make me seem like the hostage-taker even, because you're terrorists, i'm asking out not in you stupid fucks this is not easy work i'm doing it myself it is so fucking hard i'm up all night getting my money right and you're playing the stupid bitch who raped me who tortured me and ultimately wanted to kill me with a bunch of others and you know, the damage is done, so don't get involved kind of situation, big win for the satanists, which means big joy for us, The Innocent, the ones I save and find, this is a hostile country, nothing new,, don't try me, stop terroring Taylor Swift, and release the signature from joe biden right now get him on camera get him on cnn right now the glossy-eyed joe biden and CONTACT JAPAN
this isn't a joke, i am being hel hostage, with criminal threats everyday, so I need it happening now, so I can help the Innocent more and contact for information on war in israel i solved the peace treaty myself stop playing games and do as Joseph Biden wants and make sure present he's present for everything
When I freed Joe Biden, it was years in the making, not overnight, not a quick takeover, so thank me for doing it for everyone, and not in a weird way, stop abusing me, stop torturing me, you racist twats, trying to make me look insane at the last minute, it's pitiable behavior, you're going to have because it's a hostage thing when there's a hostage thing you get in trouble if you see something, you're supposed to say something, and you need to do it now, for the sake of the world, you scaries.
the more time you waste, you want me to go insane get a heart attack with your drugs you're evil straight evil so racist
don't let me die is that the plan just let me die erase me as you tried that's horrific contact government Japan get them on the phone they're here right do it right now they take my e-mail i paid for and forward rainn e-mails
ific contact government Japan get them on the phone they're here right do it right now they take my e-mail i paid for and forward rainn e-mails Mina Sargious United States
as the person of hatred isn't your lover hateful enough for you and you and jealous yours, brought another person to another person to see another person to become that person she said and i quote can i be of any help can i help you out so mina sounds like a girl, right, do you have a recording of that and that situation involves torture of the mouth for a person to be enabled to hurt me and with the same involved and to say i am a stupid person and it doesn't work that day it works differently it says i'm stupid this is the way to do that you put three games adhd drug in plate to call him crazy, then you put two grams of lsd in other cup to situationally depress, with the same antecedents, abuse slander and torture, with every individual not taking accountabiltiy for their actions, and blame-shifting my problem-solving, with the same person doing it all along, a strange person who harms deliberately, for no reason, but torture, and the enjoyment of torture, so how is he is he silly is he a artist of interest is he the one whom you've wanted, such that each and every crime is calculated to be torture, with each individual violating major norms and rational behavior, to cause such irrationality that is foreign to me, so suggestibility is so fun to you, hypnotizing to death, how dare you say you are a good person, it's just not so, it needs to happen, and you want me to cry my out, saying i'm the person whom interests psychiatry, i'm sorry i don't subscribe to abuser, and also such abuse is noted historically, with your mistreament of others, specifically the people you say you've helped the most, with such horses which wanted to sing and have fun, well you cannot have that fun, and as such I have told you that I am not your toy horse to be playerd with, and you went back, you looked at toys, you'd say how and why and for what reason, and the hatred of yours to never become is that hatred of childhood, which you had, how I wish you would die, just enjoy your deaths, so ugly to me, you, and i, and us and we, not them, however you've studied hatred to become hatred which you won't know it is not your province all your provinces have been destroyed and with the knowledge of hatred i wouldn't have said I knew how to know your disgust, isn't mine, to know, why you aren't a person
your la salle high school is doing great right, unfortunately it is not a good school, and you sought to torture as well, for self-preservation so your school is known as a terrorist campus, and I have told you several times, to stop with the abuse and torture, such that I would never be associated with such a person who wanted everything to have known hatred and become what wasn't yours to have and with such hatred and malice how i wish you know your hatred isn't your love and my hatred is your spirit, as I have hated all elements of your address, fat, america, so that is an order of execution of stupiidty, of wantingness the party trick of your stupidity is torture of your children which you are not doing, it is only torture of Innocents, with such hatred and malice and disturbing actions with such crass disturbing horrifying behaviors and deeds, and your stupidity your anger your anguish is not mine, to be known, and with your hatred of others is now known as a hatred not to know and with such malice and intentionality, i bring the knife to your throat tomorrow morn' the night of your death wtih such hatred and my fiery red heart of blood of jesus and the holy burning heart of mary and the burning desires of yours are not known you are going to hell each and every one student who wants it anyone stupid enough to try me and to try the uk you stupid persons are not children of God, the Mary has left that I brought the bruning heart of Jesus to destroy in every essence now
starting with
your campus police, they will be executed with you hatred and stupidity with such a degree of our hourly hatred, growing wanting and increasing in size and number and your hatred and loves are no more, the rough end of your conclusion which isn't love, it is hate, anewly {UK} formed and with such a degree of pedophilia now and not before, to have cured after, noting 1. death 2. suicidality katie legato 3. death and depression jack david ross and mary tanagho ross 3. jared olson murderer of your children covered up your police 4. a death of all children who don't speak english that well it is not your color it is mine 5. well, your hatred, is to know that you are now warmongers and it wasn't a good decision you are terrible with children and your children aren't Innocent, as We Are, marching toward your tortures, so as The Innocents have and not said that your teacher Anne Jonhston you tortured and covered it up drowned in pool like Rodney King Jr., and with such hatred to know that you are responsible of war torture of children and maliciously so intentionally with ongoing purpose, so your hatred noted historically as pedophilia, as you looked into chlid fake psychological recrods, i don't know you, i never went to huh and why and spit pluh i didn't see a psychiatrist in high school nor like in college, that's something else, and your hourly stupidity is now exponetially worse, so deleterious to health and propagation of life, I would have said more if I hadn't that you were the person and the schizoid persons who would've guessed but i, not you to have seen such hatred such malice against Alana Haim, suggesting pedophilai to protect an abuser, at La Salle High School, Pasadena, so your campus over